08 March, 2011

So I'm increasingly comfortable with my body. Scary thought when you think about how far ahead I started off at. At the moment I'm trying to let my hair bleach itself out in the sun while attempting to rid myself of this awful farmer's tan received this past week while sitting around on campus. Sasha has her stupid tennis ball and keeps dropping it on my back and Jack is getting possessive and was sitting beside me. Now he's off sulking...or skulking...I can never tell with him. He's too shifty eyed xP

It's been a looooong time since I've visited the blogging hemisphere. I'll try not to be quite so remiss in the future. Especially since tomorrow marks the first day of Lent. As usual, I'll spend this time trying to do something more so than trying not to do something because I believe that doing something takes more effort and can, oft times, be a greater sacrifice. I'll give up my usual things of course. And I'm also going to restrict internet time to homework, study, music and blogging. Last year the only internet site I gave up was facebook. This year its going to be anything that does not directly help me better myself. Plus music. Haha

I'm also going to try something else new. Its a concept I've been playing around with. I'm not sure how the rules are going to go although I think I should probably try to set up some guidelines now so that I don't cheat later on. I'm going to try to sacrifice the almighty "I" in my life which, for a self proclaimed narcissist, will prove to be difficult. I will try to show a greater interest in those around me and will try to completely forget about myself as an individual entity and, instead, work on becoming part of others.

For the past couple of weeks I've played a game with myself where, while walking around campus or driving down the road I remind myself that life isn't about me. Then I look at everyone around me and decide that life is about them and try to envision where they'll be in the future and how life revolves around them. This Lent is kind of like an extension of that game. I just want to be more mindful of others.

I think that I may also try to ween myself of the words "I", "me", "mine", etc. It would just be something I'd work at for personal reasons and not so much a Lenten sacrifice.

There's a bug crawling on this one's arm.